
The Right(s) Glasses


Name: Giuseppe Terrano
Company: Bastei Lübbe

Question #1: Where and when do you read?
In bed and on the train during long commuting hours, unfortunately falling asleep too soon in both cases.

Question #2: Which book have you most given as a present?
Having to switch between Italian and German to find proper books for my family and friends on both sides of the Alps turns out to be a challenge more often than not. My heart still beats for Andrea Camilleri and his Il ladro di meredine/ Der Dieb der Süßen Dinge, that could be me craving for sugar during a stressful day at work too. Most recently I have given as a present The Silk Villa by Tabea Bach and Whitestone Hospital by Ava Reed. A good love story is the best medicine during difficult times.


Question #3: What do you remember about your first book fair?
My first book fair was in 2011 as a visitor. I remember popping by accidentally at the Bastei Lübbe´s stand. At that time, I knew the company only from its novel booklets. I could have never imagined neither that the company would grow so much and expand its list to a variety of genres over the years nor that I would become the rights director here on day. Sometimes it does happen in real life like in the best tradition of Bastei Lübbe´s books: “the destiny brings us to unknown places, where we unexpectedly find happiness …”

Question #4: Tell us the resolutions you have made for this year
Doing more sport, reading more books out of my professional scope, coming back to Bologna after so many years of absence

Question #5: Tell us about a bad habit, an obsession or a particular attitude you have picked up since starting to work at Bastei Lübbe
I really try to convince everyone of how wonderful the titles in our portfolio are and why they should buy a book in Bastei Lübbe´s list, by quoting the plots, the countries to which we sold the rights and how many copies we have sold. And this basically with everyone and on every occasion: family, friends, at the bakery, at the tank station …


Cara Klein, Rights manager at Magellan Verlag


Ulrike Düwert, Rights manager at Verlagsgruppe Oetinger


Barbara Negrini,Rights Manager at  The Italian Literary Agency


Katharina Depken, rights director at Harper Collins Germany


Klara Wanner, assistant/foreign rights at Ute Körner Literary Agent


Rüdiger Grünhagen, Rigths Manager at Westend Verlag


Kai-Ting Pan, Rights Manager at Verlagsgruppe Random House


Cristina Serra, Administration’s manager at Ute Körner


Daniela Steiner, Rights Director at Carlsen Verlag


Anne Brans, Rights Manager Children Books at Hanser Verlag


Maite Viñuelas, Ute Körner Literary Agent


Lara Clift, Rights Director at Sweet Cherry Publishing


Friederike Fuxen, Rights Director at Loewe Verlag


Toula Ballas, Rights Manager at Sterling Publishing


Andreina Speciale, Rights Manager at Il Castoro


Tanja Birkenstock, Rights Manager at Arena Verlag


 Veronica Broglio, Rights Manager at Mondadori Children


Carla Vidal, contract manager at Ute Körner Literary Agent


Louise Münzer, Rights Manager at NordSüd Verlag


 Eliza Haun, Rights Manager at Chelsea Green Publishing


Sylvia Schuster, Rights Manager at Carlsen Verlag


Joanna Anderson/  Rights Manager at Hardie Grant Egmont, Australia


Jennifer Royston/ Rights Manager for Fiction, C.H.Beck


Yurika Yoshida/ Director at Japan Foreign-Rights Centre, Tokyo


Julia Helfrich/ Rights Manager at dtv



Íñigo Cebollada/ Ute Körner Literary Agent


Gaia Stock/Edizioni EL


Hillary Doyle/ Scholastic, Inc.


#3 Gesche Wendebourg/ Verlagsgruppe Random House


#3 Eva-Maria Kunze/ Verlagsgruppe Random House


Katherine McGuire/ Quirk Books


Logo Glasses


Sandra Rodericks/ Ute Körner Literary Agent

Traducción y publicación

España – Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte

  • Actividades literarias de autores españoles en ferias internacionales, universidades extranjeras, asociaciones de hispanistas y en centros del Instituto Cervantes.
  • Subvenciones, en régimen de concurrencia competitiva,  para la traducción a lenguas extranjeras de obras literarias o científicas publicadas originariamente en español o en cualquiera de las lenguas cooficiales de las comunidades autónomas.

Cataluña – Institut Ramón Llull

El instituto catalán de cultura Institut Ramón Llull, ofrece variadas subvenciones para la traducción y promoción de obras escritas originalmente en catalán.

Hay subvenciones específicas para la traducción de obras para adultos, para obras infantiles y juveniles, para obras ilustradas por artistas catalanes, para la promoción de sus obras, etc.

Alemania – Goethe Institut

El instituto de cultura alemán Goethe Institut ofrece ayudas a la traducción de todo tipo de obras escritas por autores alemanes.

Austria – Ministerio de Cultura Austriaco – sección Artes

Suiza – Pro-Helvetia

Subvenciones para la traducción de obras escritas por autores suizos.

Italia – Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores

Holanda – Nederlands Letterenfonds Dutch Foundation for literature

Ofrece ayudas para la traducción de todo tipo de obras, para cubrir gastos de viaje de autores y para la traducción específica de literatura infantil y juvenil.

Italy – SEP: The European Secretariat for Scientific Publications

SEPS es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro fundada por universidades e instituciones culturales europeas.

SEPS colabora con universidades, editoriales y autores para promocionar y dar ayudas económicas a las traducciones de obras de no-ficción y científicas, del italiano a otros idiomas y vice-versa. La idea es conseguir una amplia distrubución de la cultura científica en los países europeos y del Mediterráneo.

SEPS también ofrece ayudas a la traducción de obras en soporte audiovisual, CD-Rom e Internet.

Comisión Europea · Europa & Cultura · Libros

En 1995 la Unión Europea estableció el primer programa para ofrecer ayuda a los libros, a la lectura y a la traducción: Ariane.

El programa ‘Culture 2000’ que substituye a Ariane,  apoya a la traducción de obras literarias europeas (teatro, poesía, novela)  forma profesionales (traductores, libreros, editores) y ayuda a dar acceso a la literatura.


Turquía – TEDA

Programa para el apoyo de traducciones y publicaciones de Turquía.

Japón – The Japan Foundation

Nueva Zelanda