Susanna Mattiangeli

Susanna Mattiangeli has extensive experience working with children. She runs workshops, holds writing and drawing classes, designs puppets and works closely with “Ottimomassimo”, the popular mobile children’s bookshop.


The jury of the 37th Italian Andersen Prize, the most prestigious Italian Award for children’s literature, gave the Award for Best Writer of the Year to Susanna Mattiangeli, published in Italy by Il Castoro. Here’s the motivation of the jury:

“For the quality of her writing, that relies on a distinctive style and on the ability to naturally express the feelings of childhood.  For being able to recount from the children’s point of view a poetical chronicle of everyday life – made of actual facts or emotions – sometimes amused, sometimes pensive, and always able to perfectly depict the complexity of the thinking and the feeling of the youngest.

You can read more about this here.