
"BROTHERS addresses the crucial questions of our time" - Spiegel

Brothers tells the story of two German men, born in the same year to the same father, man they never meet, and who gave them nothing except their dark skin, which separates from everyone else in East Germany at the time. The issues the two men face are the same. But their lives couldn’t be more different.

Mick has no ties. He is too scatterbrained to register the changes in the world or the rising sun as he stumbles, bleary-eyed, out of a club. And that’s fine by him – until the woman he has cheated on for years leaves him.
Gabriel has never known his parents; he is free to do whatever he wants – be a successful architect, a proud Londoner, a family man. Until one day, he loses control in an everyday situation and becomes the aggressor. This prominent man has a long way to fall. How do people become outsiders? What does family mean? What makes a man? Brothers is a novel about whether we are able to determine our fate – or whether our background and character have an irrevocable effect on us.

Two men. Two possibilities. Two lives. How we become the people we are.