The Magic of Emotions

"From going to bed to washing your teeth, to carry out domestic tasks, reading books, the rutine of bathing or getting dressed, all of these habits and more are approached from a perspective, where emotions play a main part." - Magazine Ser Padres

To help the small ones in their daily life is not always easy. We usually feel unsure and have doubts and insecurities and it might be diffucult to find the words or the gestures and the appropiate way to deal with specific situations.

Nevertheless, working correctly on the habits and routines is a necessary step to grow in authonomy, security and thus to be happier.

The 30 stories by  María Menéndez-Ponte will help to cope with these key situations. Their funny characters will help make of this difficult task of acquiring habits and routines, something really entertaining.

These stories are supported by the technical cards elaborated by La Nau Espacial, a center specialized in emotional education.