Seanan McGuire invited by the Celsius Festival 2021

Today starts in Avilés (Asturias) the Celsius 232 Festival, the Spanish event dedicated to the fantasy, science fiction and horror books. An important encounter full of activities with the authors, readers and fans of these genres. And this year the Festival counts with a very special guest: Seanan McGuire.

Seanan is the author of many urban fantasy titles and short stories and she also writes terror fiction under the pseudonym of Mira Grant. Her novel Every Heart a Doorway has been translated into the Spanish language as Cada corazón un umbral (Alianza, 2018) and got the most prestigious Awards back in 2017, such as Hugo, Locus y Nébula. The imprint Runas (Alianza) will continue with the publication of the trilogy Wayward Children in Spanish language and so is doing the publisher Morro Branco in Brazil. In the US, McGuire is published by the one and only Tor Books.

Seanan McGuire will be giving a speech this Friday July 16th at the Celsius Festival. We can’t wait to see her! +info

Ute Körner Literary Agent handles Seanan McGuire rights in all the Spanish and Portuguese speaking languages through the American agency Books Crossing Borders.


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