
“…es, además de un precioso acto de justicia, un trabajo documental magnífico y clarísimo […] un libro necesario que debe estar en los centros educativos.”
Héctor Porto. La Voz de Galicia

For women, the textile workshop was the gateway to the Bauhaus. Some of them remained there, turning the workshop into a research laboratory and elevating weaving to the status of a complete work of art. Others felt the call for something different and fought to be admitted to other workshops, becoming painters, photographers, graphic designers and product designers, architects, and engineers.

Womanhaus shows the different paths of these women to the Bauhaus, among them Anni Albers, Otti Berger, Lucia Moholy, Marianne Brandt, Friedl Dicker and Wera Meyer. We learn about their convictions, relationships, intentions, and successes, contextualized with the history and the special philosophy of life of the Bauhaus.