The Magic of our Senses

Why we can’t laugh, love, or live without them – How we can rediscover them and make good use of them

Our everyday lives and the modern world overall have led us to forget what significance the senses have for our lives. Every day our bodily senses become a bit more dull. We work and relax in front of screens and monitors, spend time in fitness studios, and leave it up to the navigation system to give us orientation and inform us of where we are.

Although we believe we generally understand how our senses function and how much we depend on them, we often neglect our internal and external sensory systems and sabotage our own vital abilities of perception.

Thanks to their children, science journalists Jan and Ragnhild Schweitzer have rediscovered what an alert sensory life is and how much joy is connected with it.

People who know that humans need physical contact to be healthy will maybe chat less in the social network and instead hug their partner once in a while. And those who have learned how to taste will eat with greater awareness – and maybe even lose weight by doing so.

Here is a declaration of love to the world of the senses and the beautiful facets of our life.