The Call of the Kingfisher

How much guilt can a person bear in a life time?

Uckermark, northeastern Brandenburg, in 1925. Olga is raised as the daughter of a well-to-do doctor’s family. Early on, she shows that she sees the world through her own eyes. Yet her aloof,
distant father shows little understanding for her inquiring mind. It is her grandfather who explains the wonders of nature to her and awakens a love of the healing profession.

But then the Second World War breaks into the idyll, and Olga makes a momentous decision. At the age of only 17, she has to flee. Fifty years later, she returns with her daughter and granddaughter …

Anne Prettin describes the horrors of fleeing and new beginnings as a foreigner, telling the story of a woman who unwaveringly pursues her goal of becoming a physician.