Road Trip with Rabbit

Schließlich erzählt Benjamin Tienti eine rasante Geschichte mit haarsträubenden Situationen, skurrilen Gestalten und witzigen Sprüchen. Und zugleich ganz unaufdringlich eine so einfühlsame wie originelle Geschichte über Eigenwilligkeit und Angst, Verlassensein und Flucht, Freundschaft und Vertrauen.

A road trip that goes straight to the heart

Andrea lives with his father and his pet rabbit, Maikel. Their lives are sometimes chaotic but, all in all, the three get along perfectly well – until Fidaa and her mother move in. But when Fidaa accidentally drops Maikel, and there’s talk of Maikel being put to sleep, Andrea sets off secretly in the middle of the night for the south of Germany and his mother’s with Maikel in a cool box – and Fidaa hot on his heels.

Road Trip with Rabbit by Benjamin Tienti is a heart-warming, humorous and authentic story for children from age 10.