Freeing Yourself of Depression and Burnout

How psychic low points come about, and what you can do about them

Finally up and out of the pits of depression

Wrong diet, wrong medication, and wrong thinking are just a few of the often surprising and underestimated causes of many types of depression, burnout syndrome, and anxiety disorders.

Making use of the latest research, Klaus Bernhardt shows that these diseases are often psychological and physical reactions to nutritional deficiencies and stress situations. In an extremely accessible style, he explains the physiological processes and offers numerous practice-proven tips as well as easily implemented measures that affected persons can use to simply, quickly, and even permanently free themselves from their misery.

• The widespread affliction of depression: over 40 million Europeans are on anti-depressives – though most are not helped

• The mostly unrecognised causes of depression and burnout syndrome revealed by the bestselling author and successful therapist

• With many tips and helpful techniques that can have positive results in a matter of weeks