The Only Man on the Continent

“An exceptional novel.” Tagesspiegel

“An immensely entertaining, intelligent, and slightly subversive read by a highly respected author.” new books in german

The Only Man on the Continent tells the story of a week in the life of Darius Kopp. He is in his early forties, married and the only representative of a US company for wireless networks.
Darius sees himself as one of the winners of the new age. He is from East Germany and, as computer specialist, was in great demand after the Wall fell. He attaches a lot of importance to being a contented person.
Recently, however, business has been bad. Darius Kopp has been increasingly suffering from the loss of his securities. But neither can he admit this to himself, nor to his hypersensitive wife Flora. Finally, Darius is forced to recognize that not only in his job is he fighting for survival; also his marriage and the love of his life are threatening to collapse.

After Every Day, Terézia Mora has written another extremely topical and very sharp and sensitive novel about a man who believes he is living in the best of all worlds, even when both his life and the world around him have long since come apart at his feet.