Yoko Ogawa: Finalista del International Booker Prize 2020

Se acaban de anunciar los finalistas del prestigioso premio International Booker Prize 2020, y entre las seis obras seleccionadas se encuentra «The Memory Police» de la japonesa Yoko Ogawa.

«The Memory Police is a masterpiece: a deep pool that can be experienced as fable or allegory, warning and illumination. It is a novel that makes us see differently, opening up its ideas in inconspicuous ways, knowing that all moments of understanding and grace are fleeting. It is political and human, it makes no promises. It is a rare work of patient and courageous vision.» – The Guardian

En nuestros territorios los derechos de esta novela se han vendido a Tusquets/Spanish-World y a Estaçao Liberdade/Brasil.