We Are Loosing Our Children

Violence, abuse, racism – the destructive daily life in class chat groups

Hate and violence in class chat groups — one teacher sounds the alarm In many schools and families, media skills are still an alien idea. But since even primary school children are using smartphones, an alarming reality has been revealed: nine-year-olds are seeing images of suicides, war crimes or of horrendous animal abuse on their mobile phones. They are sent to the class chat group or seen on social media.
Their parents are unaware. Headteacher Silke Müller appeals to parents and politicians to no longer look away but to finally see the explosive nature and dangers that social networks pose for children, teenagers and ultimately also for society. Everyone needs up-to-date media skills.
“We are losing a whole generation.”
“The parents still think it is enough to limit screen time. They have no idea of what their children are seeing on their screens.” Silke Müller