A tree in a nest, a nest in a tree

This is a story about the passing of time, love, nature, life, and originates from a child’s drawing which, as only children know how to do, gives a twist to reality with extraordinary simplicity and force.

The book tells the story, depending on whether you begin from one end or the other, of the parallel lives of a tree and a bird, which were born from a seed and an egg on the same day and in the very same nest.

At first, both grow up happily in this situation, but soon their tree begins to have problems.

On the last day of summer, a storm was unleashed on the forest and a bolt of lightning changed the fortunes of both of them. Their lives will remain separated for years and bit by bit, longing for each other turns into a fading memory.

Until, that is, when spring returns, chance, love, the march of nature and who knows, perhaps the recollection of a happy childhood, conspire to make their paths cross again.