Thoughts of Haru

A wonderful selection of phrases inspired by Eastern wisdom that condenses the essence of life, from the author of the novel Haru, Flavia Company. A transformative read.

This book contains the essentials of life, in a style that belongs to no age and speaks to all. Inspired by Eastern wisdom, this luminous selection of phrases on love, heartbreak, death, pain, desire, rebellion, anger, among others, is a guide to inner exploration, a mirror in which we can all look at ourselves and understand.

These are phrases that both men and women have underlined when reading the novel Haru. In the prologue, the author also reveals the mystery of her writing and of literary inspiration and its paths.

Who has not found themselves rejecting what comes at once only to discover later that it was not only the only possible path but the one closest to the heart? Because Haru is all of us. Because Haru is all of us.