The Wonderland of Organic Gardening

Joyfull and Sustainable Gardening, Month by Month

Traditional gardening knowledge – sustainable, ecological, and more relevant than ever

Those who cultivates their own garden in a natural way would like to know more about the rhythms of nature and the living requirements of plants. “The Wonderland of Organic Gardening” brings together old and new knowledge in an engaging and entertaining way with insightful anecdotes as well as practical advice and methods. Well-founded and with nostalgic charm, this treasure trove of knowledge is also a wonderful gift for all passionate gardeners to guide them through the months.

· A lovely and valuable gift for all hobby gardeners

· A book of diversity – Your own vegetable and herb store, a fitness studio in nature, an education for the senses, a place to unwind

· A unique garden book combining practical gardening tips with philosophical ponderings, seasonal poetry, proverbs, atmospheric pictures, natural history observations, and thoughts about the natural world