The Truce

"The Truce is the first album written and drawn by one of the best-known illustrators in our country, a book that comes in a year in which, unfortunately, there has been war but also football, and which is a hymn to hope and peace." - Sebastià Bennasar, VilaWeb

A picture book full of hope and peace.

Brussels, 25th of December 1914. In the middle of the First World War, a ceasefire is declared. An oasis of peace that will last only one day. Christmas Day.

After laying down their arms, the combatants on both sides emerge from the trenches and share memories and chocolate and, finally, play a game of football. And often the most extraordinary things catch you where you least expect them!

A historical episode adapted for children.


“I love to draw things that have to do with the first half of the European 20th century. Both world wars have very interesting and fascinating aspects to draw. I’ve always been a big reader of historical comics and geopolitics is a very interesting starting point for stories. So I wanted to tell a story of friendship and hope, to show that even in the most painful times we must be resilient. (…) And if you want to talk about war in a picture book you have to make it digestible for children, and this story had all the right ingredients.” – Toni Galmés, VilaWeb


Tom, Inktober 2022