The Theory of Substraction

A story, eighty-one meditations and a koan, open windows to another form of perception. Emotion: acceptance.

Tres años después de viajar por el mundo, Flavia Company vuelve a casa y lo hace con un nuevo libro del universo Haru, una historia que ha cambiado la vida de quien lo ha leído. Ahora nos invita a saborear ochenta y un pensamientos llenos de sabiduría que te conmoverán.

Osamu has written the Theory of Subtraction so that Haru, her daughter, can find it and read it the day that, as an old woman, she returns home to know and understand. There, a great miracle awaits her. A wise book that reflects on life with empathy, tolerance and sensitivity. A vision about existence as a path to reconciliation.

“Subtract is the impeccable system. Relentless. How do we subtract? It consists of the exercise of imagining what we see as if we did not exist. As if our eyes and our body and our history were not there.»