The Age of Losses

"Daniel Schreiber explores a big concept, a big feeling using biographical anecdotes and philosophical reflections [...] and describes how certainties are lost - personal, but also political." - Jolinde Hüchtker, Die Zeit

"His thoughts provoke further contemplation. That is Schreiber's great art." - Sophia Zessnik, taz

"Reading Daniel Schreiber feels like a quiet conversation with a friend. [...] How he reflects in his new essay on the grief for his father, on the loss of certainties and the uncertainty of our times, is once again insightful and moving." - Silvia Feist, Emotion

"Schreiber dissects, smartly, what happens when seemingly incontrovertible certainties are lost."- Christine Steffen, NZZ am Sonntag

Even though we are confronted with it daily, there is nothing we would rather ignore than the world’s instability, and the feeling of loss it sparks. In his new book, bestselling author Daniel Schreiber delves into the heart of the matter, analyzing the experience of loss and the feelings it evokes, both in the individual and in society.

Against the evocative backdrop of Venice, Schreiber reflects on his personal losses, such as his father’s recent passing, as he wanders through the twisted alleys of the city, while drawing on the insights of renowned writers like Joan Didion, Delphine Horvilleur, and Sigmund Freud. The resulting text is an honest, heartfelt exploration of loss as a universal human experience.