Stefi’s Book

A tribute to the lively and impertinent Stefi and her creator, the great Grazia Nidasio.

From the beginning in 1972 in the “Corriere dei Ragazzi”, passing through the long presence as a protagonist on the “Corriere dei Piccoli” from 1976 to 1992, until the appearances on the “Corriere della Sera” and in a happy cartoon series, she has conquered and accompanied generations of adults and children for over forty years, without ever losing a bit of her irresistible freshness. Lively and impertinent, curious and passionate, amusing and always surprising, Stefi offers the portrait of a childhood far from any stereotype: a child who is not afraid of saying what she thinks and of showing herself as she is, who speaks to his peers giving voice to their problems and their desires and who reproaches the grown-ups with a disarming spontaneity and recklessness.