NOF4’s Song

“Poet Raúl Quinto has brought Nannetti back into orbit with La canción de NOF4, a book halfway between biography and essay. He is considered a weirdo, but if a writer is not a weirdo, what is he/she then?“ Enrique Vila-Matas, Babelia (El País)

Fernando Oreste Nannetti (1927-1994) suffered from schizophrenia and spent half his life in the prison ward of the Volterra asylum, on the wall of which he wrote a book over seventy metres long with the metal tip of the buckle of his uniform waistcoat. “NOF4’s Song” immerses itself in Nannetti’s life and lapidary writings, and explores, with a hybrid breath between biography, essay and prose poem, essential questions of human nature such as the origin and meaning of writing, the limits of madness, solitude and artistic creation.

Raúl Quinto thus delves deeper into the ideas and mestizo forms that he has already developed in books such as Idioteca (El Gaviero, 2010), Yosotros (Caballo de Troya, 2015) and Hijo (La Bella Varsovia, 2017).

Each copy contains a colour fold-out with photographs and plans of Nannetti’s wall.