Zank&Zoe Adventures #2

Race of the Gods

Sobre Zank&Zoe #1:

«Zank y Zoe es un delicioso relato lleno de solidaridad y tolerancia donde el ciclismo está muy presente. Una lectura ideal para toda la familia.»–Qué grande ser ciclista

«El ilustrador Mikel Valverde, uno de los más importantes en el campo de la LIJ, consigue de nuevo crear el clima adecuado para la trama, con un estilo colorista y elegante, siempre reconocible y, por tanto, poseedor de un estilo propio e inimitable -cercano a los preceptos estilísticos de otros autores emblemáticos como Sempé.»Canal Lector

Zoe’s entire cycling team is desperate: they won’t be allowed in any race, and that means they won’t get the points they need to continue competing. When they have almost lost all hope, they receive an invitation from Athens, by Zeus! Zoe will participate in the mythical Race of the Gods, a test in homage to the gods and myths of Ancient Greece, which has not been held for a hundred years.

Vanessa Stacy Sausalito, Fabio Gallopinni, Sato Tatami and Amrita Dickinson will be the other participants in this unique race, in which there will be no shortage of mazes, minotaurs and dangerous siren songs that will put the entire peloton to the test.