Kir Royal-flavoured kisses

Another episode following on from Tacones urbanos, but this time set in Madrid: an emotional radiography of a generation with confused sentiments.

The old cliché of “Madrid me mata” (Madrid’s killing me) is not really a theme tune for the group of friends we first met in Tacones urbanos. Their experience of life is rather good, in fact, though it may bring pain and often wounds with gravity, particularly when maturity starts to sneak into the picture.

Mar, the coolest narrator strolling the streets of Barcelona, now switches scenario and moves to Madrid, keen to seek out the best café terraces, the most fashionable restaurants and the lowest-life bars.

She remains surrounded by her undeterred gang: Sol the warrior, ever-in-love Amanda, María the eternal sceptic and Toni the confidant.

Amidst the music and drinks flow the love affairs, disappointments, misfortunes and hopes of young people who, convinced that their wildest years are beginning to come to an end, face up to the future with a fresh outlook but without throwing in the towel.

In the author’s own words, Besos con sabor a Kir Royal is “a sophisticated cocktail made up three-quarters of an afternoon’s pondering, with a shot of intense nights, a dash of sophisticated venues, and topped up with dreams, furs and despairing of the soul”.