Jessica Little

Save Graham Thoms

"A story in the purest Agatha Christie style." - Anika entre libros
"A plot of intrigue in a classic style." - La Vanguardia
"This reading has been a real discovery, because, as a lover of crime and mystery novels, I have found a good mystery book for children." - Cristina, Babelio

Her grandmother was the best detective in England, now it’s Jessica’s turn!

When she is told she has to go to Cabot Mead, the small town where her grandmother lives, Jessica’s world falls apart. She’s a city girl and her favourite thing to do is investigate mysteries. What will she find there that interests her?

Actually, much more than she would have imagined. A case that at first seems like a small thing turns into an incredible mess with a big robbery, lives in danger? Jessica, her grandmother and a new group of friends (more than she’s ever had) will face complicated deductions and more than one chase. And that’s when the town seemed boring!

Jessica Little 2: The case of the invisible path

Taking advantage of another trip of her parents, Jessica Little returns to the English village of Cabot Mead to see her grandmother Angela and all her new friends. She is not the only one coming back: a famous millionaire who was born there returns in a big way: he has bought a large castle in the suburbs. Rumours begin to circulate that he has moved there to find a legendary treasure, of incalculable value.