Duna – Diary of a Summer

More than 30,000 copies sold!

Hi. My name’s Duna and this is my summer diary. I’m here with my two sisters in our grumpy grandfather’s house. Mum left us in this white and blue village facing the sea and my teacher has set as homework the job of writing everything that happens to me before I begin high school. I can’t deny it, it looked like it was going to be the most boring summer of my life. But now, between the daredevil gang, my grandfather’s secrets, and a super interesting boy I met in the woods, it seems that things are livening up. All indications are that this is going to be a special summer – a summer of discoveries, the kind that make you grow up.

Under the apparent simplicity of Duna’s holiday diary, this little wonder talks to us about the cocktail of emotions and sensations that overwhelm us when we leave childhood behind.
The pleasures enjoyed together with her sisters in a coastal village under the watchful eye of their gross grandfather, and in the absence of their missing and missed mother, becomes special when she meets a quiet boy called Max.
With beautiful prose, Duna tells us in a natural, convincing, free-flowing way about her first love, first period, first confrontation with her mother and her discovering the fragility of adults. All this seasoned with skillfully measured doses of mystery, perhaps not quite as consequential as those related to the million dollar question: who am I?– Joan Bustos, Faristol