Daddy is Dead

"Raquel Robles writes gloomily, beautifully, converting within the adventure, the adventure of living. 'Daddy is Dead,' it says, they say, but what does it matter? This maternal, protecting book offers refuge for all orphanhood." Marta Dillon

1967 and the life of a revolutionary is about to end in the Bolivian yunga. Already devastated by the battle, his small group of combatants now faces the orphanhood in which they are left with the death of their leader.

A girl falls in love with a man who talks to her about another man. A man who may or may not be another.  Between them, the jungle, its sounds, its heartbeat – outside among the leaves just as inside the house that protects them, beating the threats of death. Useless weapons are petted like wild animals, impossible to tame and yet they cradle. Love is heroism, embracing fire with defeat. Heroism is love and therefore common property, without owner”. (Marta Dillon)

With the expertise of an already consecrated author, Raquel Robles handles the urgent times of the persecuted and the melodious rhythm of those in need to leave a testimony of their own existence in the loving ears of an eventual companion.


Praise for the author

[Raquel Robles] knows how to subtly introduce moments of humor in the midst of so much disaster and wink at her contemporaries, rescuing elements of the popular culture of that time. Natalia Páez, Tiempo Argentino, reviewing ‘Perder’

“There is severity in this story, but the tone … doubtlessly more subtle, and without affected maneuver, challenges the reader with pertinence and in depth.”  Actualitte, France, reviewing ‘Pequeños combatientes’

A story in which all the mystery, all the horror, all the contradictions of this time compose a melody at once sad and funny, of a profound beauty.  Eduardo Sacheri reseñando Pequeños combatientes’