Uxue Juárez

Uxue Juárez has a degree in Hispanic Philology and teaches Language and Literature at a secondary school in Navarra.

She writes poetry, hybrid texts and stories for children. She has published the poetry collections Cosas que crujen (Injuve Poetry Prize, 2010), Así, Berlín (Amargord, 2014), En el principio era la nieve (Baile del Sol, 2015), Bajo la lengua; bichos (Stendhal, 2015) and the book-work casi ciervos (greylock publishing house, 2019).

In 2020 she made her first foray into children’s literature with the picture book El viaje de Castor/ Kastoreren bidaia/ El viatje d’en Castor (Bookolia). In 2022 she published the bilingual juvenile novel El Gran Muelle/ Kai Handia (Erein). In the winter of 2023 she published El palacio de Silke/ Silkeren jauregia (A Buen Paso), her latest picture book with the illustrator Araiz Mesanza.

She has collaborated in the anthology -A: mujer, lenguaje y poesía (Stendhal Books, 2017), and in Voz vértebra. Antología de poesía futura (Kokoro Libros, 2017). Some of her texts can be found in the digital poetry magazine Kokoro or at @uxuejuarez.

Whenever she can, she escapes into the forest and observes. She investigates burrows, goes into caves and searches for the stories that sleep in the hollow of an oak or a beech tree. In fact, she has been making up stories for as long as she can remember. When she was a little girl she used to tell them to her classmates, then she began to write them down in a notebook. And now she takes them wherever there are attentive ears.

She is always accompanied by the voices of other authors such as María José Ferrada, Jon Klassen, Marc Benet, Marossa di Giorgio, María Gripe and Inger Christensen.

She likes imperfect things, coloured pencils and dogs. She is interested in characters who walk on the margins and in her stories there is always a snowflake, a dog, a tree and a corner where it is possible to contemplate the clouds.

But what she likes most is going out with her son and ‘fishing’ stories in the river.