Mariasun Landa

Mariasun Landa was born in Errenteria (Gipuzkoa) in 1949. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of the Basque Country and backgfround in teaching at elementary school, she currently teaches Didactics at University/ Donostia Faculty (UPV / EHU). She started writing her first stories and poems at a very young age and published about two hundred titles, many of which have been translate into other languages.

She was awarded with the Lizardi Saria del Ayuntamiento de Zarauz for her work Tsan Fantasma and with the prestigious Premio Euskadi for Children’s and Juvenile Literature for her work Alex.

In 2003 she received the National Prize for Children’s and Juvenile Literature for Kokodriloa ohe azpian.

Her book Iholdi, was included in the honor list of IBBY in 1992, just like Un cocodrilo bajo la cama made it into the list in 2006.

Elefante corazón de pájaro was nominated for the White Raven in 2001, which is being developed by the renowned International Youth Library in Munich.

She is an elected member of Jakiunde, Academy of Sciences, Arts and Writing of the Basque Country and she is also honorific member of the Academy of the Basque Language.

Among her remarkable body of works we can highlight: Elisabetelehoidomatzailea, Iholdi, La barca de mi abuelo, Irma, Maria eta aterkia, Partxela, Ametsuhinak and Cuando los gatos se sienten solos.