Anna Molina

Anna Molina, was born in Vilella Baixa, in the district of Priorat, Tarragona, in 1972.

She began studying journalism and marketing, left to spend some time in London, and on her return changed her study program to English Philology at the University of Barcelona.

Destiny led her to settle in Denmark, where she’s been living for 25 years, and from where, apart from writing, Anna manages the sales of ecological wines which she produces with a group of friends.

She likes travelling, observing people’s behaviour, having friends for dinner at home and, above all, being invited to their homes.

She made her debut with the novel “L’home de lava” (Saldonar, 2016), went on to publish “Voliac 2004” (Saldonar, 2017) and has submitted her stories to collections and for literary awards.