Rabea Edel, born in Bremerhaven in 1982, lives on the Moselle and in Berlin. She was a winner of the Open Mike, a scholarship holder of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation and the Akademie der Künste.
Her debut novel ‘Das Wasser, in dem wir schlafen’ was enthusiastically received by critics and honoured with numerous awards, including the Berlin-Brandenburg Art Prize for Literature and the Nicolas Born Prize.
Her second novel ‘Ein dunkler Moment’ met with an equally enthusiastic response.
In 2021, she published the art book ‘A Second Beating Heart’. She also regularly exhibits as a photographer. Her radio play ‘Ihre Geister Sehen’ (Deutschlandfunk Kultur), narrated by Sandra Hüller, was honoured with the ARD Radio Play Award.