We all live under the same sky

The 5 World Religions for Children

How does a Jewish family live? Since when does Christianity exist? What is a Mosque? Why do Hindus not eat cows? And who was Buddha? An important and current book.

Within a religious community, people not only share similar views about the evolution of the world, the meaning of human existence, and what happens after death but also agree on the rules by which to live.

Manfred Mai gives a general overview of the five world religions for children from the age of ten by describing them in a concise and objective manner.

He vividly narrates the beginnings of religious communities and their rituals, feasts, and symbols and thus contributes to a better understanding of different values and morals.


A family book to become mandatory reading for younger readers

For everyone who wants to gain a comprehensive overview of the five world religions

As usual, vividly narrated and of great expertise