
Books for simple and sustainable living

Smarticular was founded in Berlin in 2014 as a portal to develope ideas on sustainability.

It was in summer 2016 that the first book was published: «Five Store Cupboard Staples to Replace a Drugstore» – featuring over 300 suggested uses and recipes for household staples like soda, vinegar, citric acid, bicarbonate of soda and curd soap.

The invented word ‘Smarticular’ is a portmanteau of ‘smart’ and ‘particular’ and they specialise in sustainable lifestyle guides.

These guides feature recipes for home-made cleaning products and toiletries, alternatives to convenience products,
strategies for waste prevention, upcycling ideas, recipes using wild herbs and wild fruits, and vegan recipes.

The publisher wants to act as a catalyst and a source of inspiration, encouraging people to play an active role in creating change (selfempowerment).

At the end of 2020 Smarticular was bought by Bastei Lübbe.