A Million Minutes

How I made my daughter’s wish come true and we found happiness

When one night at bedtime Nina says, «Oh Daddy, I wish we had a million minutes. You know, just for nice things», it gets Wolf Küperthinking about his life.

The successful scientist, who is about to reach a break-through in a job he has worked hard for,
suddenly realizes that a million minutes might be worth much more than a perfect CV.

Thus begins a two-year (or one million minutes) trip from Germany to Thailand, New Zealand, Australia and back again. On board, along with a father with a self-induced dent in his career, is Nina –handicapped and in every respect different to what child psychologists, teachers, doctors and politicians imagine a child should be like. Then there is Mr. Simon, Nina’s brother, and Vera, the mother of the two.

A Million Minutes is a heart-warming and funny declaration of love for everything that doesn’t work out as planned. A story encouraging you to plunge into life –containing no guarantees, but optimism and superglue. A true story: infectious, amusing, intelligent.